Whole Thanksgiving turkeys are in! They're flying out the door, so order now. SHOP PASTURED TURKEY.

Humanely Raised

Animals should be treated with respect. Our animals have free access to wholesome and nutritious food. They have the ability to get ample exercise and spend lots of time outside. They are kept in clean and sanitary conditions with plenty of ventilation. In the rare case an animal falls ill, they receive prompt medical attention.

Sirloin Tip Roast

3-4 lb | 100% Grass-Fed

Stir Fry Beef

100% Grass-Fed | 1 lb Packs

T-bone Steak

100% Grass-Fed | 2 Steaks Per Pack

Top Round Roast

Grass-Fed | Avg. 2.5 lbs.

Turkey Highland Maple Sausage

Pasture Raised | Non-GMO | 1lb

Whole Pastured Turkey, 15-17lb

Serves 13-14 People | Giblets Included

Whole Pastured Turkey, 17-19lb

Serves 15-16 People | Giblets Included

Whole Pastured Turkey, 19-21lb

Serves 17-18 People | Giblets Included