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We've Been Farming Since We Were Boys

Growing up with animals of our own, we’ve spent a large percentage of our lives farming in West Virginia.

We moved into the area onto a small farm when we were young. We enjoyed our growing up years running through the woods and playing with our animals.

We have been around livestock most of our lives and it didn’t take long to fall in love with the lifestyle.

In 2008, our plans were shaken by the unexpected; our dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack. We were 15 and 13 at the time of his death. Our dream of farming seemed far from reality.

But we stuck with it because we’ve always wanted to know exactly what we’re eating, so we continued to raise animals for our own meat.

We are 100% Grass-fed and Non-gmo and here’s why!

With our dad passing away and a family history of heart problems, we decided to do some tests on ourselves and started looking at ways to prevent heart problems.

The more we looked into the food system, the more we were surprised by what is put into the food most Americans eat and how much it affects our health.

Once we found out they use Carbon Dioxide to keep the meat looking fresh longer and have a longer shelf life we knew it was time to help repair the food industry.

We saw an opportunity to improve our personal meat supply, as well as provide it to people around us who are looking for a reputable supplier of quality meat. Our vision has developed through the years, but our goal remains the same.

We want to provides our family and yours with the best high quality meat possible, and become your trusted friends as we serve you.

Phil Eash’s passion for farming came from watching dad interact with the land and animals at home. He continues to enjoy seeing the different relationships and changes that occur around the farm. He hopes to continue to build a resilient farming model that not only takes care of us financially, but also builds relationships with those we come across on our journey.

Tony Eash grew up helping his dad on a hobby farm. After his passing in 2008 he still had a love for farming and helping people. He is married and has 2 children at the moment. He wants to continue to grow the farm through direct marketing and other sales channels so he can support my family through an income from the farm.