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Raw Cow Milk for Cats & Dogs, 1/2 Gallon in Plastic*

Raw Cow Milk for Cats & Dogs, 1/2 Gallon in Plastic*


Pure, unaltered, 100% grass-fed milk, just like in the past when nearly every family had their own cow. Made to the highest standards so your cats & dogs can have a natural and probiotic health boost.


We make all of our products to the highest standards. Because of this, we choose to make our raw milk for cats & dogs to the same exact standards as our raw milk for humans in WV. Nothing added or altered. Just pure, unaltered, 100% grass-fed milk.

Shelf Life

Our raw milk should last about 10-14 days after you receive it. This is the timeline for when it will become too sour for your cats or dogs to palate. But, of course, there are many uses for soured milk and clabber after that point.

Benefits & How to Feed

Raw dairy is a natural probiotic, containing all the probiotics in one of those little probiotic pills. Plus, it has protein, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. It's can give your cats & dogs an amazing health boost.

Cats and dogs alike love lapping up raw milk on its own. You can also pour it over wet food or kibble (like cereal for pets). It makes a fantastic addition to a raw whole prey diet... but honestly any amount of raw food is a benefit for your pet. 

*Raw dairy should not be a main food for cats & dogs. It's not a complete diet by any means. It's intended as a supplemental food.