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Is It Time to Rethink Your Relationship with Organic Labels?

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April 6, 2023


With the introduction of the USDA “Real Organic” label, many people are left questioning whether this label actually stands for something. Is this just another way for big food companies to capitalize on more labels? Or does this label signify a true commitment to sustainable farming practices and a way to guarantee that our food is free from synthetic and artificial ingredients? 

Let’s quickly break down exactly what the “real organic” label means:

“Real Organic” is a new label created by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to designate food and beverage products certified as containing no synthetic or artificial ingredients nor any processing aids derived from modern biotechnology techniques. In order to earn the USDA Real Organic seal, producers must meet USDA's strict standards for organic production and handling, including plentiful soil fertility and crop rotation plans, avoidance of pesticides, genetic engineering, sewage sludge, food irradiation and antibiotics.

Sounds pretty good right? The thing is, in today's food system, organic labels (real or not) have become ubiquitous. 

Every food item you pick up in the grocery store has a label claiming to be organic or free from certain synthetic ingredients. But with the influx of big corporations getting on board with the organic movement, some regenerative farmers are wondering if these labels still mean anything at all.

When it comes to navigating the food labels out there like USDA Organic and Real Organic, it’s important to understand that companies can use loopholes when defining what “organic” means. 

For example, while a product may carry an organic label, many consumers don't realize that certain growing processes and additives are still allowed under these labels. Therefore, even though an item may be labeled USDA Organic or Real Organic, it doesn't necessarily mean it meets all of our expectations for what constitutes "organic".

The only true way to know exactly what is in your food and how it is produced is to think beyond labels and go straight to the source: your local farm! 

At the end of the day, it's important for consumers to be aware that there is no guarantee that what they're buying in stores  is any better than conventionally grown products. 

The only real way to know exactly what you're eating is to truly trust your farmer and visit their farm or buy directly from them. 

That way, nothing can get lost in translation, and you can rest assured that YOUR FOOD was grown using practices YOU TRUST.

And that is exactly our mission, to be YOUR TRUSTED FARMER : )

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